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Executive Mayor Gregory Nthatisi Engages with Office of the Auditor General: Commitment to Address Municipal Challenges

In a proactive move towards addressing critical municipal challenges, the Executive Mayor of Mangaung Metro Municipality, Councillor Gregory Nthatisi, spearheaded a crucial meeting with the Office of the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA). Accompanied by City Manager Sello More and the MMC for Performance and IDP, Councillor Bongi Tsoleli, the meeting aimed to present a draft Audit report and provide updates on commitments made to rectify identified issues.

The initial engagement on 15th February had highlighted several pressing concerns flagged by the AGSA. In response, the municipality, through the MMC and City Manager, pledged to take concrete steps towards addressing these challenges and to furnish progress reports. Today's meeting served as a checkpoint to evaluate the progress made since then.

The focal points of the progress report included the implementation status of the Audit Action Plan, advancement in the financial recovery plan, updates on Performance Contracts, and the Status of the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP). These areas represent crucial facets of municipal governance and financial management, pivotal for ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficient service delivery.

Acknowledging the efforts exerted by the City, the AGSA commended the improvements observed thus far. However, the AGSA also underscored areas that still demand attention and enhancement. This dual acknowledgment underscores the complexity of the challenges faced by municipalities in South Africa, juxtaposed with the strides towards improvement.

In reaffirming the commitment to municipal excellence, the City pledged to maintain a laser focus on aligning all interventions towards achieving a positive audit outcome. Such a commitment underscores the dedication of municipal leadership to uphold the highest standards of governance and fiscal responsibility.

Looking ahead, a follow-up meeting has been scheduled with the Executive Mayor to ensure sustained engagement and progress tracking with the AGSA. This iterative approach underscores the collaborative spirit between municipal leadership and oversight bodies, essential for fostering transparency, accountability, and ultimately, effective service delivery to the residents of Mangaung Metro Municipality.

The proactive engagement between Executive Mayor Gregory Nthatisi and the Office of the Auditor General serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating a concerted effort towards addressing challenges and steering the municipality towards a path of sustainable growth and prosperity.

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