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Rocklands Skoti Neighbourhood Unites to Clean and Patch Up Streets: A Vibrant Display of Community Spirit

Rocklands, Ward 13/14 – June 19, 2024

In an inspiring display of community spirit and proactive civic engagement, the Rocklands Skoti neighbourhood has launched a dynamic initiative to clean and patch up their streets. The movement, driven by the energetic youth of the area, has quickly gained momentum, resonating with the wider community and setting an example for other neighbourhoods.

The initiative, branded under the hashtags #YouthInAction and #NotInMyKasi, is a grassroots effort aimed at improving the living conditions in Rocklands and fostering a sense of pride and ownership among its residents. Spearheading this effort is Councillor Vusi Soqaga, whose commitment to community development has been instrumental in mobilizing the youth.

Cllr Soqaga has been a vocal advocate for youth involvement in local governance and community projects. His efforts to instill a sense of responsibility and activism among the younger generation are now bearing fruit, as evidenced by the enthusiastic participation in the clean-up and repair activities. "The energy and dedication of our youth are truly inspiring," said Soqaga. "Their actions today lay the foundation for a better tomorrow."

Gregory Nthatisi, a prominent youth leader in the area, has played a crucial role in organizing and coordinating the efforts. Under his leadership, groups of young volunteers have been seen removing litter, repairing potholes, and beautifying public spaces. "We are taking back our neighbourhood," said Nthatisi. "This is our home, and it's up to us to make it a place we are proud of."

The initiative has received widespread support from local businesses, residents, and organizations. Donations of materials and supplies have poured in, enabling the volunteers to extend their efforts to more areas within the neighbourhood. The sense of camaraderie and collective purpose is palpable, with residents of all ages joining hands to support the youth-led project.

The success of the Rocklands Skoti initiative is a testament to the power of community collaboration and the pivotal role of youth in driving social change. It serves as a beacon of hope and a model for other communities facing similar challenges. By taking ownership of their environment and working together, the residents of Rocklands are not only enhancing their physical surroundings but also strengthening the social fabric of their community.

As the movement continues to grow, the message is clear: the youth of Rocklands are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the change-makers of today. With their relentless spirit and unwavering commitment, they are transforming their neighbourhood one street at a time, proving that when a community comes together, remarkable things can happen.

For more information on how to get involved or support the Rocklands Skoti initiative, residents are encouraged to contact Cllr Vusi Soqaga's office or reach out to Gregory Nthatisi and his team of dedicated volunteers.



Rocklands Skoti Neighbourhood Initiative: Building a Better Community Together

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