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St Andrew’s Outreach: Making a Difference in Bloemfontein

At St Andrew’s, we firmly believe that great privilege comes with great responsibility. This ethos drives our Interact Club, a dedicated group of boys and staff committed to giving back to the community. Over the past few weeks, their efforts have brought hope and support to many people around Bloemfontein, with the invaluable assistance of generous parents and our own school community.

Bringing Hope to Towers of Hope

The junior and senior Interact Clubs recently organized a collection of dried food and tins for Towers of Hope, a local initiative focused on assisting vulnerable inner-city residents. The response from our community was overwhelming, with donations pouring in from all corners. The collected items were then delivered to Twee Toring Kerk, where they will be distributed to those in need. This act of kindness has made a tangible difference, providing much-needed sustenance and hope to many.

Mandela Day: Supporting a Soup Kitchen in Heidedal

In honor of Mandela Day, our Interact Club extended its outreach efforts to support a soup kitchen in Heidedal. The boys and staff dedicated their time and resources to ensure that the kitchen was well-stocked and ready to serve meals to the community. Mandela Day is a reminder of the power of collective action, and our Interact Club embraced this spirit wholeheartedly, making a positive impact on the lives of those they served.

A Community United in Service

The success of these initiatives would not have been possible without the generosity and support of our parents and school community. Their contributions and involvement have been instrumental in enabling our Interact Club to reach out and make a difference. We are immensely grateful for their commitment to our cause.

Fiat Lux: Let There Be Light

As we reflect on the achievements of the past few weeks, we are reminded of the St Andrew’s motto, "Fiat Lux," which means "Let there be light." The efforts of our Interact Club have indeed brought light into the lives of many, demonstrating the power of community and the importance of service.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to these outreach efforts. Your support and generosity have made a significant impact, and together, we continue to shine a light of hope and compassion in Bloemfontein.

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